COLORS of the day

September 29, 2011 § Leave a comment

I just found a photo I took a couple of months ago, during the summer holiday where flowers came in brilliant colors like these (R.I.P). I will carry this image with me during the coming winter months, when colors are not as bright and frequent.

RAW Choco Deluxe Smoothie

September 29, 2011 § 1 Comment

I woke up this morning feeling like I needed some extra sweetness to my usual, oatmeal breakfast, and made this RAW Choco Deluxe Smoothie. It is such a good, and, hold on: surprisingly healthy way to start the day, especially at days when you feel like you need the additional “sugar” to get yourself going, without turning to the more conventional sources that destabilizes your blood sugar levels and send them racing.

The recipe goes a little something like this:

  • 1 deep-frozen banana (peeled and cut into smaller pieces before freezing)
  • 1.5-1.75 deciliter Almond Milk (or any other nut milk)
  • 3 teaspoons of RAW Cocoa Powder
  • 0.5 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoon Lucuma Powder
  • 2 teaspoons Chia Seeds (soak for approximately 20-30 mins) or 1 large teaspoon Lecithin Powder

Blend all the ingredients well together in a blender, and serve in a tall glass. Add more fluids if you find it too thick. I personally like a little bit of thickness to it, without it going all pudding-like. If you feel like adding the additional flare to it, you could sprinkle it with Gojis, Bee Pollen and RAW Cocoa nibs, as I have done here. You might not get all the sprinkle through your straw, but that will just give you a wonderful surprise in the end, and can easily be solved with the help of a spoon!

RAW muesli

September 26, 2011 § Leave a comment

Inspired by my RAW Food cooking class yesterday, I have just made a jar of homemade muesli. It is ridiculously easy, and really tasty!

The recipe goes like this:

  • 1 deciliter rolled oats
  • 1 deciliter rolled buckwheat
  • 1.5 deciliter raw pumpkin seeds
  • 2 deciliter dried mulberries
  • 0.5 deciliter gojiberries
  • 1 deciliter sunflower seeds
  • 0.5 deciliter hemp seeds
  • 0.5 deciliter dried coconut
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 3 teaspoons lucuma
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground carnation

Just blend it all well together in a bowl using your hands, so that the spices stick to the dried fruits and the oats, and serve with fresh berries, yoghurt or cold nut milk (my favorite is almond milk)! Feel free to experiment and alternate the recipe by adding other dried fruits (such as figs or dates), nuts or other Superfoods. I basically just added the things I had filling up my (very limited) cupboard space, and as I am rather weak for Mulberries, mulberries make up a decent part of this muesli…!

RAW Food cooking class at Råbar

September 26, 2011 § Leave a comment


Yesterday I had the pleasure of participating in Ida Kirk Foged´s RAW Food class at Råbar in Århus. Yesterday´s cooking class is the first of a series of three modules, where Ida will teach on the subject of RAW whilst cooking. The first module was concentrated around breakfast and breakfast condiments such as smoothies, “yoghurt”, nut milk, morning shots (real FIRESTARTERs!) and RAW muesli, and Ida was lovely enough to let us taste a little bit of everything! Yummmzzz! Everything was so tasty, not to mention beautifully executed with all the colors of the rainbow present! I already look forward to the next class, which for me; who happens to be out of town at the time of the second, lunch & supper themed class; means RAW cakes and desserts!

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